KangarooSystemCommand EnumerationKangaroo Library for .NET
Advanced commands that have special effects on the Kangaroo motion controller.

Namespace: DimensionEngineering.Kangaroo
Assembly: DimensionEngineering.Kangaroo (in DimensionEngineering.Kangaroo.dll) Version: (

public enum KangarooSystemCommand

  Member nameValueDescription
PowerDown0 Powers down the channel.
PowerDownAll1 Powers down all channels of the controller that receives the command.
TuneEnterMode3 Enters tune mode 1 (Teach), 2 (Limit Switches), or 3 (Mechanical Stops). This corresponds to pressing the tune button multiple times to get into the mode you want. Do not expect a reply from this command.
TuneGo4 Begins the tune. This corresponds to pressing the tune button after you are in the desired mode. Tuning has an automatic serial timeout for safety reasons. You must continually send packets or it will abort. GetP(KangarooGetFlags) in a loop does the job. Do not expect a reply from this command.
TuneAbort5 Aborts the tune. Do not expect a reply from this command.
TuneControlOpenLoop6 Sets the open loop power. This can be used to position for a Teach tune. The range is -(2^28-1) to 2^28-1. Do not expect a reply from this command.
TuneSetDisabledChannels8 Initially all channels are disabled for safety reasons after entering a tune mode. You must send this bitmask before beginning the tune. 0 enables all channels. Do not expect a reply from this command.
SetBaudRate32 Sets the baud rate. Do not expect a reply from this command.
SetSerialTimeout33 Sets the serial timeout.
See Also
