DimensionEngineering.Kangaroo NamespaceKangaroo Library for .NET
Use reliable Packet Serial to communicate with your Kangaroo.

Public classKangarooChannel
Lets you send commands to and get position, speed, etc. for a specific channel of the Kangaroo.
Public classKangarooConstants
Constant values for Kangaroo.
Public classKangarooMonitor
Makes it easy to track the status of position commands, speed commands, and any other commands that take time to complete.
Public classKangarooSerial
Create a KangarooSerial for the serial port you are using, and then attach a KangarooChannel for each channel you want to communicate with.
Public classKangarooStatus
Stores the response to a status request.

Public structureKangarooTimeout
Encapsulates a starting time and duration.

Public enumerationKangarooError
Errors that can occur in response to status queries.
Public enumerationKangarooGetFlags
Flags that modify the behavior of a 'get' request.
Public enumerationKangarooGetType
The possible 'get' request types.
Public enumerationKangarooMoveFlags
Flags that modify the behavior of a motion request.
Public enumerationKangarooStatusFlags
Flags that provide details about a query response.
Public enumerationKangarooSystemCommand
Advanced commands that have special effects on the Kangaroo motion controller.