KangarooStatus ClassKangaroo Library for .NET
Stores the response to a status request.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: DimensionEngineering.Kangaroo
Assembly: DimensionEngineering.Kangaroo (in DimensionEngineering.Kangaroo.dll) Version: (

public class KangarooStatus

The KangarooStatus type exposes the following members.


Public methodKangarooStatus
Constructs a new KangarooStatus by parsing a status response.

Public propertyChannel
Gets the channel name.
Public propertyEchoCode
Gets the echo code associated with this response.
Public propertyError
If the response is an error, gets the error. Otherwise, None is returned.
Public propertyFlags
Gets the status flags associated with this response.
Public propertyIsBusy
Gets whether a recently-requested command is still executing. For example, P(Int32, Int32, KangarooMoveFlags) is busy while the channel is getting into position, and Home is busy while the channel is homing. Its opposite is .
Public propertyIsDone
Gets whether a recently-requested command has completed execution. For example, P(Int32, Int32, KangarooMoveFlags) is done when the channel is in position. Its opposite is .
Public propertyIsError
Returns true if the response is an error. Its opposite is .
Public propertyIsOK
Returns true if the response is not an error and Value is the requested value. Its opposite is .
Public propertyIsValid
Returns true if the KangarooStatus is valid.
Public propertySequenceCode
Gets the sequence code from the most recent command.
Public propertyTimedOut
Gets whether a timeout has occurred.
Public propertyType
Gets the type of the request.
Public propertyValue
Gets the value associated with this response.
See Also
